
October 5, 2016 | France Bleu The former president of Portland Trail Blazers is in Limoges. Now president of a consulting firm, it is he who set up the new ticket office of the CSP. But this is only the first step in his collaboration with the club limougeaud. His French partner answers our questions. The...
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June 23, 2016 Headliners include Yellowjackets, Ravi Coltrane, Benny Green, Tierney Sutton Band, Mel Brown Septet, King Louie’s Portland Blues Review & Alan Jones Sextet Following the completion of a $10 million renovation, Riverhouse on the Deschutes hotel, in partnership with Executive Producer G2 Strategic, today announced they are launching a new jazz series, Mt....
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June 22, 2016 | Source Weekly Putting Bend on the music lover’s map BY ANNETTE BENEDETTI The Riverhouse Jazz lineup includes Tierney Sutton (left), The Yellowjackets (top right), Ravi Coltrane (bottom right) and Mel Brown (center), pictured here with Marshall Glickman, producer of the Riverhouse Jazz series. With Mt. Bachelor and Smith Rock just a short...
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December 20, 2016 | Sports Business Journal Consulting firm G2 Strategic announced that it entered into an agreement with La Liga to launch the La Liga Ticketing Program. G2 is led by Owner & CEO Marshall Glickman, the former president of the NBA Portland Trail Blazers. Under the agreement, G2 will provide consultation to La Liga...
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November 18, 2015 | LFP All Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 clubs met on November 17th and 18th at the Parc des Princes in Paris for a seminar dedicated to ticketing. Organized by the LFP in the framework of the mission engaged since 2 seasons in this area with G2 Strategic, this seminar of 2 full...
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